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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Behold, the Birth of the Communications Building

Shooting wide exclusively was challenging because I had to constantly remind myself shoot wide...shoot wide! My hand would lazily reach for the zoom lens. The camera and I got dirty (it was the camera I was concerned about not my out fit), got hit by small shards of brick, a big brick almost hit me, but I'm really happy with the angles I achieved. The demo crew were really great they pulled out the grinder for me to shoot, and told me they were tearing down the outside wall. I think shooting wide for this subject matter worked better. The few shots zoomed in didn't convey the drama as well.


  1. Yes, absolutely captured the drama. Love your use of shutter speed and depth as well. Great work.


  2. Bree -
    I love the shot of the worker cutting metal and the sparks flying. Your shutter speed and aperture are perfect for the shot. It keeps the exposure low, yet catches the fire of the sparks flying and casts an eery glow on the worker's face. Very cool!

  3. My favorite shot of yours was a... BREEZY decision. The foot, and the bricks being broke. I think its the 4th from the bottom on this post. Nice shot!
