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Sunday, January 11, 2009

I watched the film Nine Lives over the weekend. The acting is astounding. It took me back to my roots in acting. All the hours of the "importance of subtext" is required in producing authentic and honest performance being drilled in my head. A great performance isn't about what a character is saying; but rather, what they aren't saying. This film is a great example of what a performance should be. Any aspiring actors or directors seeking to direct actors is a must see film.

I paticularly found Robin Wright Penn's performance in the grocery store inspiring. How the simple act of pushing a cart can show her character's anxiety, excitement, responsibility and unbridled love without saying a word.

The third sequence, starring Lisa Gay Hamilton's performance is unmatched by anyone in this star studded film. Watching her wait for the impending confrontation with her father is complex and honest. She shows us their history and we don't ever see them speak a word to each other. I was moved.

The theme of the film is death. Noting not all death ends in grave, but still wears the same weight. Refreshingly this theme wasn't shoved down the audiences throat. Instead breezes past it and if your not listening like the characters in the film listen you'll miss it.

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