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Monday, January 12, 2009

Get the Glass

The game Get the Glass has beautiful 3-D graphics, and the objective of educating the player about calcium defiency promotes milk in an innovative way. The crime files have the criminal and medical history of each charater. Which cover every democraphic: women, men, girls, and boys. The game cleverly identifies how calcium can effect bones, teeth, menstral cycles and the health of hair and nail growth. As the game progresses and the Adacie van lands on either misfortune, fortune or mastermind card. Each card allocates an interactive task or provides information related to calcium health. Get the Glass is an excellent avenue to test and explore personal knowledge of the effects of calcium.

Visually the game is pure eye candy. The graphic detail in Get the Glass is breathtaking, and looks very expensive. After reading a few blogs evaluating the site I have been converted to the thinking the game itself should be more dynamic. The game gets boring to play multiple times because you end up playing the same cards and challenges consitently. One of the responses to a blog I read (don't remember who and now I can't find it) made a valid point indentifing that the creators spent so much money producing the game why isn't the game more dynamic to make you want to play more then once.

Argueably creating a great game is easier said then done, but after spending so much money on aesthetics how much more work would it have been to add a few more mastermind cards to change it up a little. After playing a while I only continued because I wanted to take a closer look at the graphics not because the content propelled my interest forward.

On a final note the Adaci's and their quest to Get the Glass is histerial. The attention to characterization is what makes this game work. Putting the Adaci's in the context of the game makes the jokes and the self promotion of milk quarky and informational. I forgot calcium helps ease the aliments of PMS and sparked conversation (which I assume was the point of this promotion). Get the Glass is a gorgeous peace of interactive art work. The content could be enhance to prolong the life of the participent playing the game.

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